Benefits of an Italian Diet

How Italians stay healthy and live longer (WITHOUT dieting)

From better physical fitness to increased longevity, Italy has long been considered one of the healthiest nations on earth. One of the secrets to their superb health? Their food. No, we’re not talking about expensive juice cleanses or kale smoothies. You won’t find Italians breaking the bank for any new fad diets. The basis of Italian cuisine is much less flashy, and has remained largely unchanged because, well, it works! The primary focus of the Mediterranean diet are fresh, locally sourced and unprocessed foods: olive oil, plenty of vegetables and fruits, healthy carbs, and a low intake of non-fish meats and animal fats. In this article, we take a look at some of the health benefits of Italian food, from their contribution to a longer lifespan and significantly reduced risk of heart disease or stroke to their positive effects on mental health—who knew the Tuscan lifestyle could help you achieve your wellness goals?

Improved health with olive oil

Olive oil’s origins in the Mediterranean have made it a well-known staple of Italian cuisine. In fact, olive oil is so prevalent in Italian cooking that one study indicated that 91% of Italians consume it daily. Due to its versatility, it’s used in numerous Italian dishes from salad to pasta, and some Italians even drink olive oil straight for its medicinal purposes. Because of its high concentration of oleic acid, it’s been linked to reduced inflammation, decreased cholesterol, and even a lower risk of cancer

The Italian diet & skin health

The Mediterranean diet can stabilize your blood sugar, reducing acne and breakouts. In addition, high levels of Vitamin C help the production of collagen, which improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles. Some even use olive oil as a moisturizer. Red wine, another staple of the Italian diet, is high in collagen as well as antioxidants. Tuscan diets are also low in sugar and high in nutrients, which can keep acne-causing hormones in check to avoid frustrating breakouts.

More fruits & veggies

Although we’ve been hearing about the benefits of fruits and vegetables since kindergarten, most of us still struggle to get our optimal daily intake. If you ever join us on our Tuscany wellness and yoga retreats, you’ll quickly learn that Italians love their fruits and vegetables. Italians eat significantly more fruit and vegetables than Americans do, providing fiber, iron, and other nutrients that boost energy levels, improve digestion, and fire up one’s metabolism. The Italian diet can make a perfect complement to your fitness routine, helping to replenish and restore the body after anything from yoga to weight lifting.  

Improve your mood with an Italian diet

The importance of the mind-body connection is heavily documented. Just as we discussed in our overview of yoga and health, physically healthy habits can greatly improve our mood. Studies have even shown that adopting an Italian diet can lead to a significant decrease in depression, since the ample iron, B vitamins, and vitamin D it provides are known to reduce lethargy and aid serotonin production in the brain. For those lacking in motivation or dealing with the stress of a busy schedule, the simple preparation of many dishes makes them easy additions to your routine.

Live longer with Italian food

The wellness industry might have you believe that healthy eating is all about tracking your macros, drinking expensive smoothies, or fasting for long periods. Italians have a much simpler and time-tested approach to a longer life. Despite eating simply and rarely dieting or cutting foods, the average Italian actually lives 5 years longer than Americans. It may seem too good to be true, but even something as simple as a daily glass of red wine like many Italians enjoy can be beneficial for your diet and increase your lifespan.

At Terra & Tu, we place an emphasis on cultural immersion. Unlike most standard wellness or yoga retreats, we set out to incorporate the well-being practices of our destination into our trips. On our culturally immersive wellness and yoga retreats in Tuscany, you won’t find us cutting out traditional Italian cuisines or dieting. Instead, we choose to adopt the Italian way of eating--Enjoying our meals and embracing a healthy relationship with food. 

Finlay Bressler

Finlay Bressler founded Terra & Tu in 2021 based on the idea that travel, in and of itself, can be a wellness experience. Drawing on experience in both the mental health/wellness and travel industries, Finlay established a travel company dedicated to offering immersive journeys with a wellness component. These experiences allow travelers to explore the authentic lifestyles and wellness practices of locals, blending luxury with genuine cultural immersion.


Wellness Travel in Tuscany


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