The Problem With Most Yoga Retreats

What you need to know before booking your next retreat

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It’s no secret that interest in yoga retreats and wellness tourism has skyrocketed over the last few years. What was once seen as fringe or granola, designed mainly for new-age hippies, has recently experienced a surge in popularity and mainstream appeal. New trips led by yoga teachers and wellness influencers pop up daily on social media, and travelers are expressing increasing interest in engaging in wellness activities on their trips. After the stress and isolation we’ve all experienced over the last couple of years, who wouldn’t want to spend a week relaxing under vibrant isle sunsets and beachfront studios? 

Well, the answer is complicated. While many current retreat offerings are an attractive option for aspiring teachers or yogis who wish to spend their entire retreat practicing yoga, those who hoped to incorporate the destination into their practice often find the travel experience of traditional yoga retreats lacking. While interest in wellness tourism is booming, retreat organizers have failed to adapt to the needs and desires of an increasingly diverse base of travelers--one that is eager both to expand their wellness practices and to get out and explore. As yoga remains the sole focus and area of expertise of many organizers, they are oftentimes either unappealing or inaccessible to all but the most devoted yogis.

Just as the more casual yoga crowd may be turned off by most retreats, so too are passionate travelers who want to incorporate the wellness experience into their adventures. Such travelers are accustomed to culturally immersive, meticulously planned itineraries. Unfortunately, most yoga retreats lack quality guides, cultural immersion, or any substantial opportunity to explore the destination’s vibrant culture and natural beauty.  

After a year and a half of isolation and the inability to explore, people crave new experiences--not just the same ones that have been available from home throughout quarantine. Many avid travelers and yogis alike feel restricted by conventional yoga retreats, which simply replicate the same wellness practices in a new setting. Instead, they desire a retreat that incorporates local culture and wellness practices. 

That’s why we’ve set out to create something more. Our wellness journeys are designed to satisfy wellness enthusiasts and avid travelers alike. We don’t believe that the destination should be an afterthought on yoga retreats. Instead, we use the destination to enhance our yoga and wellness experience. We extend our wellness practices beyond the confines of our private villas -- From mindfully hiking the countryside to learning about and engaging in local wellness practices. We don’t just travel to do wellness. Our travel is wellness.

Join us today 

Finlay Bressler

Finlay Bressler founded Terra & Tu in 2021 based on the idea that travel, in and of itself, can be a wellness experience. Drawing on experience in both the mental health/wellness and travel industries, Finlay established a travel company dedicated to offering immersive journeys with a wellness component. These experiences allow travelers to explore the authentic lifestyles and wellness practices of locals, blending luxury with genuine cultural immersion.


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