The Wellness Experience

How we do wellness

The practice of wellness – habits or activities that better our mental and physical wellbeing – allows us to live more fulfilling lives. It’s been proven time and again. But our approach to reaching this fulfillment differs from that of traditional “wellness retreats”, as authentic travel is integral to our entire experience. On our journeys, you won’t find hours upon hours of required yoga sessions, and we surely won’t force you to eat the latest trendy “superfoods”. Instead, wellness is a component of our travels, with shorter gatherings interspersed into our daily exploration and an overall healthy experience in concert with our remarkable location. We travel to discover, inside and out.

La Dolce Vita

Throughout modern history, Italy has regularly been ranked among the healthiest countries in the world. The secret to their wellbeing? Embracing La Dolce Vita – “The sweet life” or “The good life”. On a Terra & Tu journey, you’ll discover the true meaning of the Italian phrase, learning how the locals get the most out of life by slowing down, embracing natural beauty, enjoying quality food, and spending quality time with others. Each component of the trip is specially arranged, starting with optional yoga and taking time to mindfully appreciate the walks, the food, the wine and the lifestyle that has helped the locals thrive for millennia.

yoga tuscany | Terra & Tu Wellness Journeys


Yoga is an important component of all our journeys. Whether you’re new to yoga or looking to expand your practice, our expert instructors will meet your needs. Most wellness travel forgoes exploration in favor of hours and hours of hardcore yoga. Our journeys, on the other hand, are designed to seamlessly integrate the practice through morning sessions that complement your Italy travel experience, rather than detract from it. We travel to Tuscany to discover the region, not only to practice yoga.

tuscany retreat | terra & tu


Our practice of mindfulness extends beyond short, organized meditation sessions. We take the time to mindfully experience our entire journey, from appreciating the local wines to taking in the beautiful scenery of Tuscany. Our goal is to leave you with a greater sense of connection, both to yourself and the world around you.

tuscany retreat | terme di saturnia spa


Long visited for its healing properties and nourishing effects on the skin, the waters of the famed Saturnia Hot Springs soothe and restore. For two days, you’ll have multiple opportunities to explore and soak, as well as utilize the varied treatments offered at the Terme di Saturnia Spa, our luxury home constructed on the location of one of Italy’s most coveted hot springs.