Terra & Tu

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Balancing Wellness and Travel

The wellness tourism industry aims to provide consumers with balance and relaxation, but for most people, the term “wellness travel” is ironically associated with extremes. It tends to conjure images of things like remote silent retreats with required daily chores, new-age yoga retreats for only the most experienced yogis, and ultra-indulgent spa stays that are both exorbitant and monotonous after the second or third day. While these types of trips promise to reset and destress guests—and for some, they do—their methods are more of the stress-inducing kind for many would-be travelers. Fortunately, there are a growing number of wellness travel opportunities for those who the typical “wellness retreat” sounds decidedly un-vacation-like. We take a look at some of the factors that make a difference when taking a balanced approach to wellness travel.

Travel and Yoga go Hand in Hand

Yoga is all about balance,  – rather than taking all of your focus, we believe yoga can be a part of the broader journey. Travel offers us new ways to practice yoga, and yoga enhances the travel experience by helping us relax and bring our attention to the presence. Yoga can help ease all of the stressors of traveling, from difficulty sleeping to stiffness from the plane.

Too Much of a Good Thing

Yoga retreats are meant to be a retreat from day-to-day stress and routine, not from the actual destination. However, these trips are usually run by a yoga instructor with little travel planning experience, causing them to build an all-yoga itinerary without incorporating activities unique to the destination. The result is a trip that feels more like the same yoga class you could get at home with a new backdrop than real travel.

Experience Matters

Lack of tourism experience in retreat organizers can create other issues as well. While they may have extensive experience in a wellness practice or even run a studio, they usually lack the operational background needed to ensure a trip goes smoothly. Most of the time, they have little to offer in the way of guiding or meeting guests’ travel needs. Instructors planning their first retreat often include too little or too much free time, which leaves guests either too exhausted to feel like they’re on vacation or bored when there aren’t enough activities to fill their time with.  

When it comes to logistics, there’s no replacement for travel expertise and experience. The small details are usually the most important ones when it comes to coordinating transportation and lodging, especially when in another country with a potential language barrier. The bottom line? For a successful retreat, look to travel professionals.

When Wellness Meets Cultural Immersion

Part of the joy of travel is learning about a new culture, and wellness is a cultural practice. When we focus only on the wellness practices we are bringing with us, we lose the opportunity to strengthen our understanding of what it means and apply it in new ways. Every culture has a unique perspective on wellness, and there’s always more to learn. On our Tuscany retreat, we immerse ourselves in Italian wellness practices. We experience the ancient hot springs of Saturnia, learn about Italian culinary tradition, and explore the concept of the “dolce vita”, an approach to life based on relaxation, living in the present, and enjoying all that the world around you has to offer. Most retreats ignore the cultural component of their destinations and stick to the more restrictive definition of wellness instead.

Ready to Find Balance? 

Whether you’re new to the world of wellness or have been on a number of wellness-centered vacations, Terra & Tu has something to offer you. From expert guides and instructors to luxury accommodations, our adventures provide a new type of wellness travel. We know that a careful balance between cultural immersion, exploration, and wellness practices brings travelers a far more meaningful experience—and is more accessible to a broader audience—than focusing solely on yoga or meditation. 

We’re travel professionals with a passion for wellness. Our wellness instructors provide high-quality, attentive instruction while our local guides and staff use their decades of experience to handle the travel and exploration component of our adventures. Our focus on hiring local, expert staff ensures that every part of your journey, from wellness to accommodations, is seamless and authentic. 

Ready to join us on our next adventure? Check out our upcoming trips to Tuscany!